Empowering GI tagged Artisans
Preserving Tradition  

Empowering Indian artisans by onboarding over 200 diverse GI tagged artisans and showcasing different unique art forms.

kala srishti

India’s Largest Immersive Artisan Hub

Kala Srishti is a passion project by Vosmos, dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional artisanal skills while creating sustainable livelihoods for artisans. It is a virtual world where heritage meets innovation, empowering artisans to thrive through education, technology, and fair-trade practices. More than just a platform, Kala Srishti celebrates the diverse Indian cultural heritage by bringing together artisans from across the country. These artisans, are GI-tagged, are not just craftsmen but storytellers who weave dreams into fabrics, carve narratives into wood, and paint emotions onto canvases.

India’s art and traditions unite us, but nearly 20% of our traditional crafts are at risk of disappearing due to economic pressures and lack of exposure. Kala Srishti addresses these challenges by showcasing the crafts of over 500 GI-tagged artisans and connecting them to a global audience. By supporting and celebrating these artisans, the platform ensures their stories, skills, and livelihoods continue to thrive for generations to come. Kala Srishti is not just about preserving art—it’s about creating a future where artisans and their crafts are valued, celebrated, and cherished worldwide.​

कला सृष्टि अर्थात कला का सृजन। जब कारीगर कच्चेमाल को कलात्मक रूप प्रदान करते हैं तो वह लौकिक अनुभव होता है। एक प्राचीन करघे की कल्पना करें, इसकी लयबद्ध गड़गड़ाहट एक गाँव की धड़कन को प्रतिध्वनित करती है। यहाँ हर बुनकर, कुम्हार और चित्रकार अपने भीतर एक अनकही कहानी संजोए हुए हैं। कारीगर महज़ कारीगर नहीं हैं। वे कहानीकार हैं जो कहानियों को लकड़ी पर उकेरते हैं, सपनों की तरह कपड़ों में बुनते हैं और भावनाओं के रूप में कैनवस पर चित्रित करते हैं। कला सृष्टि का आभासी क्षेत्र विविध भारतीय विरासत का उत्सव है। जहां क्षेत्रीय बारीकियां और पारंपरिक कलाएं आपस में जुड़कर एक रचनात्मक कलाईडोस्कोप बनाती हैं। इस अद्भुत क्षेत्र में, प्रत्येक छेनी का आघात, प्रत्येक ब्रशस्ट्रोक, पूर्वजों की आत्माओं के साथ संवाद करता प्रतीत होता है। कला के माध्यम से उन्हें दी गई एक श्रद्धांजलि।

कला सृष्टि एक ऐसे भविष्य की कल्पना करता है जहां कारीगर न केवल परंपरा के संरक्षक हों बल्कि नई परंपराओं के नायक हों। टेक्नोलॉजी से सशक्त और विश्व के बाजारों से जुड़ कर, वे एक ऐसी दुनिया की कल्पना करें जहां उनकी रचनाएं सीमाओं से परे हों। शिक्षा, टेक्नोलोजी और उचित व्यापार प्रथाओं द्वारा कारीगर एक ऐसी दुनिया का सपना देखें, जहां उनकी रचनाएं सिर्फ वस्तुएं नहीं अपितु समृद्ध सांस्कृति की राजदूत हैं।

What is GI Tagged?

India’s Largest Immersive Artisan Hub

A GI tag certifies that a product originates from a specific location and embodies qualities, or a reputation tied to that origin, preserving unique cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.​

At Vosmos, we ensure authenticity by exclusively working with artisans who hold a Geographical Indication (GI) tag or an Artisan Card. This guarantees that all showcased products are genuine and crafted by certified artisans.

Our Products

Our Stores

Celebrating with purpose​

At Kala Srishti, we offer unique, handcrafted gifts for the corporate world, making every occasion meaningful. Our artisan products are not just gifts—they're stories of culture, skill, and heritage.​ By choosing Kala Srishti, businesses can make a positive impact, supporting sustainable livelihoods for artisans across India. Our collections can be customized to align with your brand values, offering eco-friendly and culturally rich options that stand out.​

Make your corporate gifting purposeful with Kala Srishti and empower artisans while sharing their stories with the world.​

Why Kala Srishti?

Our endevour is to build a community of artisans who can showcase, sell and reach out to a wider audience from the comfort of their workshop floor.

Global Exposure:

Connect with international buyers through multilingual support system and go beyond local markets

Cultural Preservation:

Promote traditional art forms, ensuring their continued relevance. 

Data-Driven Insights

Understand consumer preferences and market trends. The AI integration ensures virtual assistance for customers and a robust analytics dashboard for the artisan.


What our clients say

Sandeep Vishwakarma

Shri Vishwakarma Woodcarving

I gave up a full-time job to join this legacy business with my father and brother. With Kala Srishti, I can market and sell my product to different regions in the world.

Tarun Kumar Singh

Gulabi Meenakari​

I am hopeful that my business will grow and I can sell directly to customers. We don’t make a lot of money because of the product changing many hands before it reaches the customer.

Maya Das​

NM Crafts

With Vosmos I hope we can preserve this art of weaving. If we can earn well then many artisans will continue working on their craft.

Connect with us to grow this community

If you are a GI tagged artisan, connect with us and we can help you take your talent to all corners of the world. If you an ardent supporter of the artisan community in India, lets collaborate to promote and preserve the legacy of the Indian artisans.​

artisan hubs