Virtual platform for conference and summits: How to attract sponsors and keep attendees engaged

In today's highly digital world, virtual events have become a critical component of every marketer's toolkit. With the rise of online communication channels, virtual events have emerged as a cost-effective and convenient way for businesses to connect with their audiences, share information, and promote their brand.

Virtual events offer a unique opportunity to engage with attendees from around the world without the need for physical travel or large gatherings. They allow marketers to reach a broader audience, improve brand awareness, and generate leads. Moreover, virtual events provide a flexible platform that enables businesses to showcase their products, services, and solutions in a variety of formats, including webinars, virtual conferences, live streams, and product demos.

One of the significant advantages of virtual events is that they are highly measurable, allowing marketers to collect data and analyze attendee behavior. This information can be used to optimize future events, personalize the attendee experience, and improve lead generation.

With the rise of online communication channels, virtual events are a must-have for all marketers looking to stay ahead of the competition. However, attracting sponsors and keeping attendees engaged can be challenging. In this blog, we will discuss how to attract sponsors and keep attendees engaged on a virtual platform.

Attracting sponsors:

  1. Develop a strong online presence: Your virtual platform should have a strong online presence that showcases your event's value and objectives. The website should be user-friendly, informative, and easy to navigate.
  2. Identify the right sponsors: Identify the companies or organizations that would benefit from sponsoring your event. Reach out to them and present a proposal that highlights the benefits of sponsoring your event, such as brand exposure, lead generation, and networking opportunities.
  3. Offer sponsor packages: Offer different sponsor packages that cater to different budgets and needs. These packages can include branding opportunities, speaking slots, and networking opportunities.
  4. Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to promote your event and attract sponsors. Create engaging posts and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility.
  5. Provide data: Provide data on the number of attendees, demographics, and engagement levels to potential sponsors. This will give them a better understanding of the event's potential reach and impact.

Keeping attendees engaged:

  1. Create interactive sessions: To keep attendees engaged, create interactive sessions that encourage participation. This can include polls, Q&A sessions, and group activities.
  2. Engage with attendees: Engage with attendees through chat rooms, messaging platforms, and video conferencing. This will give attendees a chance to interact with each other and the organizers.
  3. Provide value: Provide attendees with valuable content that is relevant to their interests and needs. This can include keynote speeches, workshops, and networking opportunities.
  4. Gamify the experience: Gamify the experience by adding points, badges, and rewards for attendees who engage with the content and participate in activities.
  5. Follow up with attendees: Follow up with attendees after the event to keep them engaged and nurture relationships. This can include sending surveys, thank you emails, and invitations to future events.

Virtual platforms have become a popular way to host conferences and summits. To attract sponsors and keep attendees engaged, it is essential to develop a strong online presence, identify the right sponsors, offer sponsor packages, leverage social media, create interactive sessions, engage with attendees, provide value, gamify the experience, and follow up with attendees. By following these strategies, you can create a successful virtual event that benefits everyone involved.